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Old 06-23-2017, 08:48 AM   #29
CaptainCrunch's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002

We did a sledge hammer for one of the teams defenses.

And for offensive line we got a really ugly 70's style gold jersey with a bunch of stars that the best offensive line man got to wear in practice.

So just an update, with the draft finished and the teams picked, we took a couple of days to continue to work on split, but also got to start doing our insertion.

I decided to insert our base package that every other play comes from. So I decided on Wednesday to take the offense off of the field and take them into a locker room for chalk talk. The first question I asked is how many of you have never played organized football. When a bunch of kids put their hands up, I knew I had to start with the basic "This is a football" lesson.

So I went over how we send plays in, how the Quarterback calls the play, huddle stuff. And then I took my base plays and used them to explain how the playcalls described the plays

Ace formation under center
20 dive
21 dive
34 dive
35 dive
38 toss
37 toss
36 kick pop
35 kick pop
Quick pass 5555
Quick pass 9007
Quick pass 1881
HB Screen LT 4937
HB Screen Rt 7394

I would then call one play and draw them up. Then I'd get volunteers to come up and get a play call from me and draw it on the board after asking the QB how he would call it in the huddle.

The payoff.

Yesterday we went on the field and started doing our walk through, the the run through, and then we were able to call the plays at game tempo.

It was a lot of fun for the first night of running plays even if it was just against air.

So we have two more nights before the July break, now we're going to bring in a full defense (last night we graduated to playing against a front 7 holding bags made up of coaches)

So the funny moment last night, we were working on safe contact and doing pursuit drills. And I yelled out "Are we all going to work on this during your summer break?"

And all of the players of course yelled back "yes coach"

And then I asked who they were going to practice against and I got 8 million answers. Some of the highlights

"Mean Mr Magarnical"
"A tree"
"A moving car"
"my girlfriend"
"Ninja my dad"

It cracked me up
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