Thread: Gluten
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Old 04-09-2012, 11:02 AM   #32
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^ Yeah, I get the faddish aspect of it and would just consider having a blood test. My reason for cutting out what I did was to force a shift in my diet away from simple starchy carbs of which I was eating far too much in proportion to complex carbs and protein and the gluten thing is only something I'm wondering about now.

I've never been able to understand my beer allergy and just wonder if there could be a relationship here. I can go out drinking rye, tequila and or vodka all night (within reason) and not get sick, but give me two or three beers and I'll be throwing up within an hour. Granted I don't really like beer so it's not hard for me to avoid and doesn't affect my life significantly, (except for those people who look at you strangely when you say you're allergic to beer).

Anyway, the funny thing is that after writing my first post I went off and looked up some info on beer and gluten and found out that a blood test may not say anything anyway as sensitivity to some forms of the gluten protein found in beer are not detectable by the current blood tests anyway, so I may simply have, if anything, a sensitivity to those particular proteins or something entirely different, like the combination of yeast and alcohol.

I'm definitely not jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon, but I also don't think the first article troutman posted applies to my situation as the author is talking about people who are otherwise healthy changing their diet. While I am not crippled by symptoms or anything, my GI processes are definitely not normal overall even with my 'modified' diet, they are just better than they used to be...
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