Thread: Gluten
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Old 04-09-2012, 10:26 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Notorious Honey Badger View Post
My friend lost about 50-60 lbs not eating gluten in 13 months. Now he's kind of stalled out and put on 5 lbs since. I dont think crash dieting, and I include this, is tenable for most people, most of the time.
Interestingly, when I decided to lose weight a couple of years ago, one of the biggest changes I made to kickstart eating changes was to almost completely eliminate breads, crackers, rice, and pasta from my diet for several months (in addition to really ramping up the activity level.)

I lost about 70 lbs, but have crept back up about 10 and held there, but am still about 25-30 lbs over what I think would be ideal. The reason I bring this up is because after losing all that weight I slowly reintroduced some of these things back into my diet, although not anywhere near to the same degree as previously, and I'm curious as to whether this may have some bearing on things. Curiously, when I was 60 lbs heavier than I am right now and really as long as I can remember, I had significant regular issues with diarrhea, bloating and gassiness, but always have mostly chalked that up to being significantly overweight. These things improved as I lost weight, but if I think on it, I still have occasional unexplained issues such as this, and wonder if the gluten containing foods that I have re-introduced have some impact on this. Also, I have always been allergic to beer. I'd never heard of a beer allergy being related to gluten allergy/celiac before but maybe it's time I looked into this more closely.

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Last edited by onetwo_threefour; 04-09-2012 at 10:33 AM.
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