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Old 01-22-2017, 10:38 PM   #17
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Sep 2008

When my dad got sick with cancer, I was very fortunate to have enough flexibility at work to spend a lot of time with him. I talked to my boss and arranged for reduced hours and responsibility in order to prioritize time with my dad. Companies are very often willing to work with you in situations like this, so don't be afraid to ask. Also, family and friends will reach out asking what they can do - never be afraid to ask. People want to help.

Before he got too sick to go out, dad did buy my step-mom a really nice ring that she wears all the time still. He brought home a new car for her one day out of the blue, because he wanted to make sure she had something safe and reliable. It was pretty funny.

One thing that may come up is hospice care. We were unable to get a space in hospice as he declined quickly at the end but I remain convinced that it would have been a better option for end of life care.

I worked with my step-mom to come up with a loose schedule near the end to ensure we always had one of us with him when he was in palliative care. He just didn't want to be alone. We spent a lot of time bull####ting about the old days and talking about sports or whatever. Learned a few good final lessons.

Wishing your father a peaceful final journey and comfort to you and your family.
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