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Old 07-06-2016, 06:16 PM   #55
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by FurnaceFace View Post
Nails: the tip our vet showed us was to use a large set of human clippers and cut your cat's nails vertically, instead of cutting the nails as we do holding the clippers horizontal. The reason for that was cutting cat nails from the top and bottom crushes the nail a fair amount and can hurt more. Also be patient with nails, if the cat only let's you cut one or two at a time, that's fine. Just do it every day or so and reinforce the cutting process with treats. We found it easier to cut nails if my wife held the cat in her arms while I cut.
This is a big one. Get them used to you playing with their paws early, and you'll be ever grateful. We have one cat who refuses to have her paws touched, and the other who loves nail-trimming time. I usually hold him while my wife trims the nails (using a special pet claw cutter, looks kinda like a mini-guillotine). The cat loves it since we also bribe him with treats. A treat to start, one per finished paw with no fuss (he gets set down between each paw, to 'reset' himself), and 2 from each of us after. He leaves nail clipping time one happy cat.
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