Thread: ACL surgery?
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Old 11-13-2010, 01:59 PM   #62
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by sa226 View Post
That is what I thought, but apparently it is not that simple.

Both the doctor and physiotherapist had a difficult time diagnosing the tear because when compared to my other knee the movement when manipulated was very close. The Doctor was surprised that I hadn't previously injured my other knee. Apparently I have a lot of laxity in my good knee so they were confused, but the other symptoms did point to an ACL tear, so he wanted to do an MRI to confirm.

Also, when you guys received your results, did they show you the MRI scans and explain them?

My Doc just walked in and said "Yep completely torn ACL, we'll set you up for a surgeon consult" and that was pretty much it.
in keeping with the MRI discussion, sounds like the MRI was used appropriately in a difficult to diagnose examination. as for reviewing MRI scans, usually GPs only receive a written report with no images (MRIs are difficult to read without proper specialty training). some may go over the findings in greater depth with a diagram or pictures available in clinic.
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