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Old 04-10-2017, 10:08 AM   #89
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary

Congrats on being a Dad. It is far and away the coolest thing I have ever experienced. The lows will suck, but the highs far outweigh them.

The only thing I would add is to not be afraid to move the baby out of your room after a few weeks. Some people will tell you to wait 6 months or more, but trust your gut. Babies don't sleep very soundly and generally make a ton of little noises all night long. This will keep you up all night as you are certain your baby is going to die at any moment. Other than the first few weeks, babies are resilient and will scream bloody murder if something is wrong. SIDS and other bad things can happen, but they are incredibly rare. Parents hurting themselves accidentally because they are working on 10 hours of sleep per week is less rare.

The key piece of advice that has been stated many times in this thread is this: There is no "right" way to parent. Every kid is different, so try a bunch of stuff and do whatever works for you. Try to get into some sort of routine as soon as you can (easier said than done). Play, eat, diaper, sleep. Rinse and repeat.

You got this!
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