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Old 12-20-2016, 11:44 AM   #6
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2010

Originally Posted by Northendzone View Post
Here is an example of an indirect I set up for something I was working on:


AM3 is the filetab name in my workbook
AL6 = 3
AM6 = 6

So this formula adds up the values in Y3:Y6 on the file tab entitled "Whatever"

In my case the file tab Whatever was in the same workbook - you will have to do a little extra work because your are referencing other workbooks.

it is hard to wrap your head around - but once you get it it could change your life
While INDIRECT can reference an external excel spreadsheet, that external excel spreadsheet must be open.

Here's a working example I just did.

values.xlsx (the top spreadsheet) just has values 5, 10, and 20 in the top row.

test2.xlsx has the file name (A1), Sheet name (B1), Cell name (C1), a formula that creates a string that refers to values.xlsx (D1), and then the evaluation of that string using indirect (E1).

The formula for D1 is displayed - it just concatenates the file, sheet, and cell, and adds the square brackets and ! where needed.

The formula for E1 is simply: =INDIRECT(D1), and you can see it displays the proper value, 20.

However, if values.xlsx is closed, then you will get a #REF error.

I think the only way around this is to use a macro to open each file and retrieve the value for you.
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