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Old 05-27-2017, 03:23 PM   #565
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

I am also going to have to do some interesting research on the plans myself. I have a coupon code from a friend who's a higher up at Shaw. Gives me 35% off the price of the plans so the offer is legit.

I want to know how it will work with the remaining tab balance I have which is over in 6 months and what the device discount is? Currently with my $40 plan I get the unlimited data from back in 2012 but I don't come anywhere near using a lot of data.

I am a Blackberry fan and looking to potentially upgrade to the new KEYone Android phone which looks amazing. The issue is that it wasn't designed for the new band 66 for Freedom LTE. In some essence I would be paying for an LTE plan without getting it but I want to research what I will actually lose.

In any event I hope that Shaw/Freedom continues to improve and grow this brand across the country. I know that a lot of the negative thoughts people have on this company date to when they launched in 2008/2009. I hear things like "ohh but you can't get coverage in Banff" all the time which is not true at all.

I laugh when I hear things from friends of mine who are clueless. A friend of mine who trashes Freedom all the time told me how with Rogers him and his wife pay $120 EACH, he wanted to upgrade his iPhone from the 6+ to the 7 for the "better camera". Rogers offer was to pay $600 for the phone and than tack on an extra $35 a month for the next 2 years. Some "deal"
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