Thread: Dexter
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Old 11-26-2007, 01:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by corporatejay View Post
The quality of writing on this show has been superb, I'm putting my faith in the writers that they know what they are doing.

I also agree about brotherhood...fantastic show, not my #1, and not better than dexter, but an quality program nonetheless.

The best show ever made for Television is called "The Wire" and it's on HBO. It's not my favorite, but the quality of the program is unparalleled. The last season will be airing in january.

Unlike most shows, the wire gets better and better as seasons go on. I strongly suggest everyone checks it out.

As an aside, does anyone notice that most of the quality shows are on US cable. I don't know if it's necessarily because the writing is better, or if most shows would be better served only being about 12 episodes/season. I'm excited that LOST has switched to a 16 episode season, less filler, all killer. The television landscape is changing and I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing more dramas go to a 12-16 episode season.
I agree most good shows are on cable these days.

I think it has a lot to do w/ the fact that cable is not censored in the same way that regular television is so you have way more creativity. Let's be honest there is no way shows like OZ or the Supranos could ever have been aired on regular cable.

Also these shows tend to have a more cult following so they might not gain the same raitings as crappier but more accessible shows do.

Plus I'm sure a lot talented people are disuaded from networks and would prefer to work in an environment w/ more creative freedoms.

It also makes a huge difference that like you said the shorter seasons mean way less filler.
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