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Old 10-06-2013, 11:06 PM   #30
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Join Date: Aug 2013

Canucks fans are pretty bad, but there (like every fanbase) are some pretty great Nucks fans too.

This however reminds me of the ONE person I found memorable who ever cheered for an opposing team while attending a Flames game. It's not an interesting or exciting memory, just... unique.
It was maybe a year or two ago, and we were facing the Rangers. There was a guy sitting right in front of me with his mom (I assume), he was probably mid-late 20's, early 30's, a slightly chubby nerdy little fellow. He wore a Rangers Drury jersey and had a Rangers scarf around his neck. Every time the Rangers scored, he would politely stand, not clap, and then sit down (his mother never stood). The Rangers won, it was a pretty boring game no matter how you cut it, but at the end he stood with his mother, let out a bit of a snort and laugh, and said something along the lines of "Well that was so exciting!".
I don't know why, but I will always remember the quietest and most awkward fan of an opposing team I have ever seen.

Carry on with your Nucklehead bashing.
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