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Old 04-26-2010, 11:26 AM   #52
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Knalus View Post
You're right, the bylaws are in place for a reason. However, it sounds like you might be a little off. Bylaw officer wasn't happy? Nothing happened? Sounds like you might not be in the right, bylaw wise.
The bylaw officer wasn't happy as in he sounded grumpy. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. I'm not sure. He said that this takes time and that he was going to visit the property on the 23rd. As far as I know the bylaw that I found does apply to this situation. I found it difficult to get information out of him because of all the privacy policies they must follow.

When I talked to him after I got back from my vacation he did state they were told to remove the garbage (they had ruined couches and wood along the side of their property) and that they had14 days to either repair or remove the vehicle. As far as I can tell they seem to be siding with my interpretation. The reason I posted this on the forum was to ask if they do aggressively enforce these bylaws or if it's something that takes months and months.
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