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Old 12-01-2011, 08:14 PM   #104
Scotian Lotion
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Airdrie (as of March 2012)

I would suggest using the word "Integrity" somewhere if possible (assuming you have it).

.. and as shallow as it seems, it's your picture, that most people are going to look at on a bench ad. As long as you don't look like a sleezy car salesman, you're half way there.

I just sold my house privately and, as you probably know, I received over a dozen Realtor phone calls a day, for 3 weeks straight. They all had some filthy tactics, but the ones that showed respect for my choice are the ones I let in my home to look at it... so yea, I'd stay away from anything that comes across as aggressive or greedy.

People hiring you need to know you're working for their best interest... so I think 'Integrity' gives people some comfort in hiring someone who will get them results they can feel good about.
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