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Old 09-09-2007, 10:30 AM   #12
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Location: Wondering when # became hashtag and not a number sign.

The slaves stayed with their masters. Doesn't mean slavery was right.
These people aren't being forced to work there. They CHOOSE to work there (at least in the majority of cases) so the whole "slavery" thing is a BS argument.

I too wish everyone could have everything they ever need without anyone having experienced poverty and/or inequality with everyone else in the world. That though is nothing more than a fantasy and there is a real world to actually deal with.

If Nike ( seemingly the poster child for this debate) stops using the same way of doing business as others do...they die as a business. Period. Some company from country X will follow them right into the factory they vacate and will proceed to take the Nike portion of the market.

So now you have even more people unemployed but this time its at "home", which puts a bigger strain on the economy here. Its a dog eat dog world, like it or not, and if you dont keep up with the get left looking through their garbage cans for scraps.

Again, it stinks, but its the way it is and unless EVERY company in the ENTIRE world from ALL countries ALL stop usuing these prctices at the exact same point in will always be that way.
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