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Old 08-29-2012, 02:20 PM   #3
Powerplay Quarterback
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Originally Posted by Realtor 1 View Post
My experience, you are better off spending the addition money on updating your property.
I just went to a property in Willow park where a extension was added and after preparing a market analysis, this individual was not too thrilled. I put his property at the same value as other properties that were 3-500 square feet smaller but had done quite a bit of renovations.

The next question would be, what is easier to sell in the future... with most people looking for a home requiring little to no work, the updated property will typically sell before the older one with a extra 400 sq ft.

That is my 0.02 although there is really no black and white answer.
I see what you are saying, but I would find it hard to justify updating a kitchen when there isn't room for a dining room. There would be updating involved, but that updating would be better spent if the addition was there.

Imagine if the house was completely updated. What would it look like then?
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