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Old 05-14-2024, 12:57 AM   #3945
CaptainCrunch's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002

You bring up a really solid point, and I really notice it in Trek.

There was a part of you that knew that the Enterprise, or Voyager or DS9 was never in jeopardy.

I mean with Voyager, the only time you ever saw damage carried over from one episode to the next was the year in hell episode where Red Foreman kicked Janeway's ass while screaming at her to get a job.

But like with Generations, they probably couldn't dynamically wreck the sets or damage them due to budgets and research. Sure you'd get some sparkly explosions, and people would be tossed out of their chairs, and the lights would flicker. But you knew by the start of the next episode the ship would be in perfect shape.

At least with Discovery when damage happens on the bridge they have the heavy metal concert flame casters going in the background.

Even at the start of Voyager, when they rationed power, and they had problems with the replicators, what was the cost. Umm they had to give up holodeck hours, that's it.

They never starved, or had to forgo full meals. You know what would have been unique, knock out the replicators, they have a long way to go to the next planet that could have food or water, so they have to break out emergency ration packs.

Here's your cornbeef and hash Janeway, oh there's no water to shower with. They never missed a shower, their ship was pristine, Tuvok gained like 10 pounds, and Voyager arrives at earth as super voyager.

Mean while in Battlestar Galactica, the BattleStar showed up at earth with its spine broken, which was one of the coolest effects that I think I've ever seen. You knew it was the last jump that ship would ever do.

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Last edited by CaptainCrunch; 05-14-2024 at 01:01 AM.
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