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Old 05-03-2024, 12:37 AM   #4604
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Join Date: Jun 2002

So on a side note I was going through my old DVD's and I think I'm going to have a vintage watch through.

The first one

The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Takes place after the events of T2 and basically gets rid of the terrible T3, T4 etc. I've started the first two episodes, and the cast is really incredible, its well acted and its smart. Its kinda sad that Summer Glau has pretty much walked away from acting. The show really hit its stride in season two before Fox once again cancelled a outstanding show.

Jericho (2008) - The show opens with a Nuclear attack in the united states, and the story takes place in small town Jericho who have no idea what's happened outside of their town. They get pieces of information here and there and iirc the first year focuses on towns in middle america going to war with each other. the show was cancelled after the first year but was bought back after the "Nuts" campaign. The second year focused on unravelling wht the nuclear attack happened.

V the remake - I still love the orignial V TV series in its full and glorious 80's big haired female cheese. Plus it had Michael Iron Side on it. I don't remember much of this remake series except that just as it was getting good it got el cancelled.
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