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Old 05-01-2024, 05:58 PM   #2304
Backup Goalie
Join Date: Jun 2012

I could see the Flames make a playoff push for the vibes and team spirit and sacrifice the 15th overall 1st rounder.

I hate how that's even an option, what core or horses do we have for any kind of playoff run? It's such a dumb choice that'll ensure we don't end up bottom 10.

Only hope we have to go against this is winning the draft lottery lol. Win that and then at least sacrificing next years lower pick is ok because of the boost of Celebrini. Hell we might even just say scrap it all and offer UFAs max contracts because the savior is here.

We made great long-term style choices this last year under Conny, I hope they don't rush the rebuild trying to be competitive next year and stick to that kind of planning. And long-term doesn't even have to be 10 years anymore, maybe not even 5, but please at least a year or two of savvy moves instead of pushing for playoffs to the detriment of the team next year.
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