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Old 04-24-2024, 02:57 AM   #6928
Franchise Player
Join Date: Nov 2009

AEW would probably be okay with the agreement. Hell there biggest rating bump in months was because of a WWE cameo. WWE would never go for it. There is absolutely no benefit for WWE to feature any AEW talent... heck they cut most of them, or let them walk without a competitive offer. AEW is seen as the only viable competition; they do have a national television show after all.

I mean realistically, how many main event talents in AEW are at the same level as those in WWE? Ospreay... maybe Omega when he's healthy. Edge was never used. Swerve was cut. Joe was cut. Jericho was allowed to go. Mox was an upper mid carder. Cesaro was a mid carder. Perhaps Danielson, but he's on his last legs.

It won't happen, unless AEW shrinks to the TNA-tier of relevancy as a promotion. Indies and foreign promotions are different, because they aren't really seen as competitors by WWE. Also I'm certain Punk would play a factor, and would strike the notion down. WWE is a professionally run corporation. They're basically the McDonalds of wrestling. Which also means the quality of the food isn't the best... but they're not going to advertise Five Guys, even if McDonalds marketshare is larger.

The AEW President explained that it was a “different time” and that the pair were always nice to him. During the conversation Khan noted that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon haven't spoken to him since All Elite Wrestling was launched in 2019.
Tony Khan doesn't seem like someone who would be easy to get along with. He can work fine with other indie promotions because of his wallet, but he comes across as someone with a massive inferiority complex. Which explains the constant Twitter spats he's had with many in the wrestling community.

I'm done here though. When Jericho shows up on WWE television ten years from now, feel free to quote me.

Last edited by trackercowe; 04-24-2024 at 03:11 AM.
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