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Old 04-23-2024, 08:22 PM   #1
wins 10 internets
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default Data speeds in north Calgary

Has cellular data speeds always sucked ass in the north? We moved to Panorama in 2020 and at the time I was with Shaw, so I assumed my crappy data was just their crappy network. But then Rogers took over and when I switched my phone it didn't improve any, and a few months ago I switched to Koodo for their 50gb deal and it still sucks. Figured it might be something with my phone (OnePlus 10) so I did some testing with my work iPhone on Bell and it gets the same speeds

In my neighborhood data is slow (1-5mbps) but still somewhat usable. Whenever I get north of Stoney though I might as well be off network entirely as basic data services stop working, even with 3-4 bars of signal. Yet as soon as I get a little south around Beddington then my data speeds shoot past 100mbps. Has it always been this way, or have things gotten way worse in the last few years?
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