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Old 04-22-2024, 03:41 PM   #12
Scroopy Noopers
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Plutanamo Bay.

Jesus ####ing Christ.

Forbes and the two officers who were in the van testified that Northrup was standing in the laneway with his hands outstretched when Zameer drove directly at him. The officers in the van, constables Antonio Correa and Scharnil Pais, said Northrup fell on the hood and then to the ground and under the wheels.
Zameer testified he was in the car with his eight-months-pregnant wife and their two-year-old son when two strangers, a man and a woman, rushed over. He said he locked the doors and the pair started yelling and banging on the car. Zameer said he thought his family was being attacked and he drove forward to get away.

He told the court he was even more alarmed when the van blocked his exit, and he decided to reverse quickly to get away. Zameer said he looked back while reversing and in front when moving forward and never saw anything or anyone in the way.
Both he and his wife testified they thought they had gone over a speed bump and didn't realize they had hit a person until after Zameer's arrest.

Two crash reconstruction experts told the court they concluded that Northrup fell after the car made glancing contact with him while reversing, and was on the ground when he was run over. Both found there was no damage or dust disturbance on the car that would indicate someone had been hit head-on.
Absolute ####ing criminals. Just a friendly reminder to remember to always Shut The #### Up. Cops aren’t your friends.
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