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Old 04-21-2024, 06:55 PM   #60
Franchise Player
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Location: Seattle, WA

Originally Posted by Locke View Post
What are your thoughts? Good, bad and ugly about your 2023/24 Calgary Flames?
Good: Conroy selling everything that wasn't nailed down. While some of the returns were underwhelming, something was acquired for the pending UFAs. Conroy needs to continue divesting assets next season. Markstrom, Mangiapane and Andersson should all be moved to continue to load up on draft capital.

Coleman and Weegar. If the team is truly committed to a multi-year rebuild, these are the guys you want in your locker room to show the up and comers the right way to play the game.

Kylington returning to the club and playing well. Hopefully Conroy can sign him to a deal with a lower AAV so that he can be moved for more assets.

Bad: Near term future. The team lacks any high end talent whatsoever and/or prospects that project into top 6 forwards or top 2 defencemen. Even if Wolf turns out to be a legit #1G he is not enough to make the team a contender. I'd be shocked if the Flames make the playoffs before the new arena is ready.

Ugly: Huberdeau and Kadri contracts. They were bad when they were signed and will absolutely prevent the team from doing a quick retool and contending anytime soon.
It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?
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