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Old 03-08-2024, 01:43 PM   #1239
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Originally Posted by rubecube View Post
Nice dodge. Taking the current environment and lack of infrastructure into account, do you think safe supply is an appropriate harm reduction strategy. If not, what do you propose is a better strategy?
Whatever is currently going on, obviously isn't working. BC is setting records for drug deaths in a year/month. Anecdotally, on my morning bus ride the DTES, I see more people than ever.

I do not think safe supply, in itself, is effective. As stated, people suffering from addiction are actively seeking out stronger drugs. Fentanyl is the major issue right now. Once you start using that, the safe supply isn't going to cut it. Even if they are using the safe supply, what is stopping them from also seeking Fentanyl once they leave the clinic.

Proponents of safe supply envision users taking drugs the way party kids do at a rave. They're just looking to get high and would be better off with a safe and predictable source. That's not really the way it works with hardcore opioid users. The nature of opioids is that you constantly need a larger and stronger supply.
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