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Old 02-17-2024, 12:22 AM   #343
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Location: Richmond upon Thames, London

Originally Posted by powderjunkie View Post
Dude, this is a cringey ####ing sentence that boils down to victim blaming.

True colours coming out after marriage is very common.

Sure, there are plenty of 'everyone sucks here' situations. What's your point? There are plenty where that is not the case. I see no reason to believe this is the former. But hey, maybe she's sooooo crazy and dramatic that she just really want to tell her kids' friends' parents all about the police coming over during a sleepover.

Or maybe she just saw the many downsides and few (if any) upsides for her and her family to proceed through this ordeal.
That was not discussing the case involving Lucic. That was a post building off the tangent discussion that was irrelevant to this case, regarding posters claiming they dated compulsive liars and Pepsi's funny remark about taking anecdotal accounts as gospel.

Work on your reading comprehension. This jumping to conclusions without reading the chronological posts thoroughly enough to grasp the context gets silly sometimes.

As for this case, I don't think we can say anything definitively because it was dropped and you can't convict people based off a police testimony (where, as another poster pointed out, anything can be said) but if I were a betting man I'd say he ####ed up and she did what other victims unfortunately do and dropped charged once asked to testify. I don't think this was nothing or theatrics, and I feel for her, but even more so the kids.

Last edited by TrentCrimmIndependent; 02-17-2024 at 01:04 AM.
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