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Old 02-02-2024, 01:39 PM   #17
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

I'm fairly openly Atheist, and this is something I really thought about, because when we really believe something to be true, we all want our children to find the same beliefs.

I took a few approaches,

I really didn't want to directly contradict anything they were saying, I think it would terrible for them to start retorting to other kids my own atheist screeds should the topic come up, and I assume 2 six year olds would be very poorly equipped to have a meaningful conversation on that level even if they did.

So first any time they would bring up something about god i would either make sure I replied "that is what they believe in christian mythology", or I would draw comparisons to characters they new to be fictitious like Thor.

Second sometime I started making jokes with them like Christmas dinner being the feast of Sol Invictus celebrating the return of the undying sun. Or praising Freya that it was Friday, generally trying to make light of religious beliefs that everyone now holds as untrue.

Third if they directly asked me what I believe, I would be pretty honest, I believe the real world around us exists, and we are part of it. We don't exist without it.

I also haven't really had an issue doing the whole Tooth Fairy / Santa Clause / Easter Bunny thing with my kids, by the time their 9 or 10 their in on it and they wont say anything to you cause they'll know the rules.
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