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Old 01-10-2024, 04:10 PM   #857
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Originally Posted by indes View Post
My apologies everyone. There are a few specific cleaners that will work on Norovirus (those that contain bleach, peroxide or ethanol). Your reply is pretty pedantic considering the article you linked also recommends using bleach to kill the virus.

Just trying to put out some awareness that in all likelihood your cleaner will not kill the virus so check it first.
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know that.

It's a good reminder that you should check in detail that what you're using to kill the Norovirus is effective AND perhaps you should ensure you do it more than once due to how long it can survive/repeat infect individuals. I usually use Pinesol and nuke the #### out of everything. The thing I like about Pinesol is that if the smell doesn't seem like it lingers, it gives me an indication whether to go over again to ensure things are really clean. I'm not saying overwhelming smell of Pinesol. I'm saying if the smell of sick is a little stronger than the Pinesol, it's a good indication to wipe again.

But you also mentioned bleach and peroxide in the same sentence. Don't mix those or let them get into contact with each other!!!!!
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