Thread: Chick Fil A
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Old 01-04-2024, 05:11 PM   #50
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

I don't get this bill from a NY government official about forcing businesses to be open on Sunday to serve travelers, which I assume is targeting Chick Fil A a little more than other businesses. It's flat out strange and is a very 2023/24 North American mindset where on side has to "own" the other side in almost every debate.

So what if Chic Fil A is closed on Sunday's so that employee's have a specific, scheduled day off? Some may choose to go to church and other's may choose to stay home and relax. So what? Why do a lot of people get so worked up about this? Is there a lack of low grade, fast food options available in America for people to get upset?

I understand that a lot of people don't appreciate their Christian values but that is a decision that the company made and continues to make. I am in my 30's and I recall a LOT of businesses used to be closed on Sunday's.

In Europe, Sunday is still a pretty chill day business wise. Having just spent a lot of time overseas in Europe, you see changes. In Europe, a lot of businesses are closed Sunday's and a lot of businesses/shops close in the middle of the afternoon for a quick lunch and siesta. It's family oriented. It's not the inconvenience people think it is, you just plan better. If there was a "movement" so to speak about forcing some businesses to open on Sunday in places like Italy, Greece, Spain etc, you would be thought of and perhaps thrown into a mental hospital. Supermarkets are generally closed in a lot of places on Sunday's.

I recall a video clip once about some successful, Hollywood immigrant mega producer or something. He said the one thing he would change about American culture would be to just focus on family, food, relaxing and enjoying each other's company with friends/family 1 day a week. He didn't specify Sunday and he wasn't speaking from a religious perspective.

We are starting to see this more and more here in Canada too. Lot's of place are open and operating normally on Christmas/ New Year's Day. Disgruntled staff being forced to work. It seems strange to me.

Full disclosure: Never been to a Chic Fil A or eaten anything from there.
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