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Old 12-12-2023, 05:44 PM   #55
#1 Goaltender
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Join Date: Mar 2006

So it was pretty cool going to a Hammam in Turkey, and your question made me look up whether we have a Turkish bath style spa in Calgary.

This place looks sufficiently weird/unique but I can't really tell what's going on. Seems like you can book it to use on your own, privately and it somehow combines wet and dry sauna with Karaoke? Like... wtf? But the people love it, flawless reviews. It does seem like you could book treatments in advance, but I think it would be pretty hilarious to try and do your own Hammams for each other in private, and then sing about it! Haha!

This place on the other hand looks more traditional, has good reviews and offers different treatments/price points.

The best part of hammam is getting scrubbed down and then they lay a big puffy cloud of bubbles all over your body and then just flood you with rinsing. Very cool and relaxing experience!
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If the NHL ever needs an enema, Edmonton is where they'll insert it.
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