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Old 08-24-2023, 08:51 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by direwolf View Post
I've never watched any of the animated shows and I found the first two episodes easy enough to follow. Granted I did a bit of research on the main characters beforehand, but nothing too deep in regards to lore or anything. A short 10 minute summary on youtube was all I needed to understand what's going on.

Quick question for the hardcore fans: Is there a particular reason why they don't call in Luke to come and help them with all of this? Obviously he's kicking around during this time period and Ahsoka just recently paid him a visit. Judging by what we saw at the end of Mando S2, the dude is arguably the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, so wouldn't they want him on their team?

All I can assume is that there still is no Jedi Order, Luke is off doing his own thing and trying to build the order up, and isn't interested in going out on missions like this that could be questionable or personal.
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