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Old 04-20-2023, 10:32 AM   #1526
One of the Nine
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I agree with a lot that has already been said. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. It was as Cap said, safe.

I feel like this finale could have just been wrapped up with 20 more minutes tacked on to the episode before. Didn't really feel like there was a build up or anything, just literally picked right where that episode left. I think big gun guys death (and that is a reference to toy collectors for those who don't know, as he was dubbed when the merch dropped before the show and I am using it because I am to lazy to look up his actual name) was the most climatic part of either episode lol.

The whole dark saber arc seems very unsatisfying to me. This has been a major plot point and peace of the Mandalore history through a few different mediums, right down to the table top war game I play Star Wars Legion.


And then just in a second it's destroyed, and the hilt most likely burnt up in the explosion?

They didn't even have to take it to the firey slopes of Mount Doom.

It did seem to me like Filoni wants it gone and out of the Mandalore story line.. there must be a reason for that moving forward, or maybe one I already missed.

Either way the season itself was great, I really enjoyed it. It honestly felt like they wrapped things up to set up a Mandalorian video game. Travelling the galaxy from his home base to complete quests.
"In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might / Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"
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