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Old 03-06-2023, 11:57 AM   #105
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jul 2007

The essence to making lasting, profound change is to figure out what small, permanent steps you can take now that will also encourage you to take more steps in the future. While also maintaining a mentality of being critical enough of oneself to recognize your flaws and to also love oneself enough to see opportunity for improvement. One should also anticipate setbacks and periods of de-motivation, start coming up with techniques for dealing with those when things are going well.

I've always found developing a mantra is powerful tool in working through difficult periods, the idea being that you distill a lot of thinking into a phrase that can remind you of your motivators when you're being challenged, stuff like: "If I can't lift this I am dumb and crap" "I want to enjoy my retirement" "Don't be a bitch" "I am a supple leopard" "get stronk" "Real men eat brown rice". The simpler, the better.

Also, there is no substitute for yoga, everyone should do it. It's the #1 fitness tip I'd give to basically everyone that doesn't do yoga.
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