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Old 02-17-2023, 10:31 PM   #28
Powerplay Quarterback
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Originally Posted by Yamer View Post
Wrestling autobiographies as a sub-genre is so fascinating. In such a small, protected industry the stories are wild and varied. Everyone has an opinion on everyone else, and nearly every single book tells an entirely different version of reality regarding the same space of time.

The Diana Hart book is infamous in wrestling circles as being a sensationalized hit piece on the likes of the Hart's and the extended family. She even claimed that Davey Boy had drugged and raped her repeatedly. I've never read it but it's supposed to be a trainwreck of utter bull####.

One that hasn't been pulled from shelves but gives what I imagine is a similar vibe is Pure Dynamite by Tom Billington, aka The Dynamite Kid. The ramblings and re-imaginings of history from an extremely bitter man. It's one of the lamer autobiographies I've read as most of it is rubbish, but you definitely get a sense of the misery in which the man lived.

The pinnacle of these books, IMO, is Bret Hart's. This is likely due to the intense attention he gave to documenting his life as it was unfolding. It can come off as self-aggrandizing and was criticized at the time for that reason. However, over time it's turning out that Bret was right about a lot of things, and maybe wrestlers and the industry should have taken themselves a little more seriously.
My friend got that book and I borrowed it. For some reason I seem to remember the very start of the book involved her getting suplexed onto the hood of a car? In the driveway of the Hart House? Am I making that up?
Sent from an adult man under a dumpster
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