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Old 11-29-2022, 11:08 AM   #70
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Ok, I needed to bump this because if I can help other people navigate this nightmare, I feel better about things.

So what happens when a person with Dementia becomes "unmanageable"? It can certainly happen as loved ones go through the different phases of Dementia. When they become violent, or a danger to the other people in the facility like care workers or fellow patients.

It happened with my mom when she suddenly became really aggressive and attacked workers and patients.

We had worked very hard to get my mom on a transition to a public space, filled out the paper work were assigned a transition nurse by AHS picked your 2 preferred facilities. But that all goes out the window if there's threat of harm or violence. Your parent, loved one becomes a liability issue. And I get that.

So now what happens is the facility who has done a great job to this point, can't keep your parent there, they're not suited to deal with violent patients, and even if its rare like once or twice, its still a record.

The first thing they do is if there's beds available will ship your parent off to a hospital if they can for safe keeping until another facility that's can deal with extreme care can be found. I hate to say it but there aren't a lot of facilities that can handle it. There's a good chance that your parent will go to the hospital then to geriatric psychiatric care in a hospital.

All your choices for long term care that you picked out to keep your parent close to you or other loved ones, that's gone, your parent will have to go through a mental health evaluation and they will decide the where and how long til they move, your choices are really stripped from you.

I think the main thing here is to just be prepared for this kind of thing to eventually happen, it might not, but Dementia is really not consistent at all in how it works or progresses.

But at some point, the control is going to go from you as a family to the system, and you won't have a lot of choices or arguments. And that's the awful part. The thought of my mom dying in a hospital or mental health unit is devastating. The effect on my Dad, and we've been keeping him from this for a few days as we moved him to a new facility is going to be shattering.
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