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Old 11-07-2022, 02:34 PM   #9
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Calgary, AB

Yup, similar to everyone else we had a bad cold/colds roll through our house too. Pretty much the whole month of October someone was sick. I ended up with a sinus infection, which was the first one in about 5 years. I suspect we had two different viruses when all was said and done. I’ve lost count of how many rapid tests we did, but had to be over 10 and all were negative. My mom helps look after the kids every so often and she ended up with COVID, so thankfully we hadn’t visited her before she tested positive, so we did miss that one. Somehow the day home lady has stayed healthy, but attendance has been pretty hilarious. Our kids missed a bunch of days and then when they went back all the families were alternating who had the various bugs.
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