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Old 07-06-2022, 03:48 PM   #3535
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Originally Posted by 81MC View Post
Its a bit different though, because only a crazy person would buy an unfamiliar vehicle without test driving it. Like, you maybe buy a 1500$ recroom couch online, but you sit on the living room furniture before you buy. And there is a ton of after sales servicing; recalls, maintenance, repairs etc.

I totally understand the dealership model, and don't begrudge them for making money. Their tactics on the other hand? Grosser than gross.
Sure, I have no issue with the physical dealerships. My issue is the sales model. By all means, try on a shirt before you buy it. That doesn't mean every Gap store can charge whatever the hell they want, with the only reason behind it being; "#### you, we can make more money this way"

Originally Posted by woob View Post
Yeah, the Canyons are particularily pricey, in the 40-50 range used, depending on mileage. Colorados seem to be a cheaper for the same engine class. Everyday mileage will likely be slight improvement, with towing mileage likely the same.
They definitely seem like great trucks I just don't get how they cost as much as one that can do way more

Last edited by btimbit; 07-06-2022 at 03:52 PM.
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