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Old 06-14-2022, 12:10 AM   #215
Celebrated Square Root Day
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
ok short but sweet.

The Minister in the house said that the police requested the EA. That's was a lie, in committee the police witnesses did not request the EA.

The Minister and the Liberal government had claimed that the Convoy protesters (idiot) were being financially backed by hate and far right groups in the states. The governments own investigation said that wasn't true and it came from a CBC news story that was later retracted.

In other lies, our public safety stood up in the house and said Bill C-21 wouldn't target legal gun owners, that was a lie.

We talk about stamping out mis-information, that has to include our own government.

Was the Emergency Powers act holy necessary or improperly invoked, I'll leave that up to the conclusions of this Parliamentary Committee to decide. But the reasoning for invoking it, the police asking for it, that never happened and the government rightly or wrongly (and right now procedural if you look at their reasoning was wrongly) bought it into play.

Oh and Timun I don't think I missed your point at all. All opposition parties oppose on principle, that's what they do. The Liberals did it going back further then the Brat Pack lead by Sheila Copps who's only job was to disrupt parliment. The NDP government does it as well.

I mean it would be nice if we had a cooperative atmosphere, but we have governments that ignore opposition day, or shoot down opposition bills on general principle as well.

Government on a whole is built not on cooperation or harmony between parties, but outright building cases for the next election. And there's no fix for it.
Nine paragraphs is short and sweet?
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