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Old 06-03-2022, 06:57 PM   #77
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jun 2012

Been a part of a large company that wore sustainability and climate on its sleeve and behind the scenes were about as wasteful as they come.

Just cause companies say they support something doesn't necessarily mean they have any skin in the game whatsoever.

Now it's become about staying relevant ("with the times") which means public back pats often with no actual substance. Look at actions, never words, even ones printed on billboards or pamphlets.

Have to remember we're in the age where content creators rule supreme and "news" comes from just about anywhere, often unsourced, and at least half of the population with limited education will take whatever is put through their social media newsfeed at face value.

To be fair to big companies, many have identified this and are merely taking advantage of the unsuspecting, zombie consumers of today.

Make politically correct statement online with stock photos of ethnically diverse people hugging and smiling, cash in on sales from passionate consumers that won't second guess your BS.

Last edited by djsFlames; 06-03-2022 at 07:06 PM.
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