Thread: ACL surgery?
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Old 05-25-2022, 05:35 PM   #90
#1 Goaltender
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I tore my left ACL fully playing basketball in July of 2019. I also went thru the AKIC process. I would strongly suggest paying for a private MRI if you can swing it. I was able to get a confirmation on the full tear much sooner that way. Having said that it was still over a year between injury and surgery. I was operated on in September of 2020.

I am mostly happy I had it done, but my knee does make some crazy crunching noises now when I bend it past 90degrees. I am mostly worried about arthritis as I get older, but hope I am lucky there.

I have mostly abandoned basketball unfortunately and stick to hockey as my main high intensity sport now. I still wear a brace when I play as a precaution.

I wish anyone in the same boat good luck and I hope the waits arent too bad. Its not a lot of fun.
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