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Old 02-04-2022, 09:45 AM   #257
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On the whole Jedi attachment thing, it was one of their biggest failures and a misguided attempt to control people.

The best Jedi really did have attachments. Luke was completely attached to his father. Yoda talked about people going down the dark path never coming back, yet Luke with his attachment to his father proved that wrong, and Vader was redeemed.

We saw that Ashoka had strong attachments to everyone. Anakin, Barriss, Lux. The whole Ghost crew, and she made her decisions based on her attachments. She was also willing to do what Obi-Wan couldn't do. She was willing to not give up her attachment to Anakin and become willing to kill him.

It was never about attachment that caused Anakin's fall. He made many good choices as a Jedi while still being attached. With Anakin, it was about his upbringing as a slave. The fact that the Jedi council didn't trust him and used him and slighted him at every term. It was about his personality and the fact that he was griven by greed and dreams of power and grandure. The Jedi never saw that in him or addressed him. He was a Sith long before he fell.

I mean lets be honest. The Jedi didn't understand the Sith. They saw them as monsters dominated by fear and anger and hatred and driven by attachment. But even Palpatine talked about it. Those are emotions used to draw power but a Sith needed to get by those emotions in pursuit of more noble goals, power, which would allow them to reform the galaxy for example as one of order and justice and stability. But a Sith was willing to betray attachments at the drop of the hat. Even the Rule of Two is all about attachment. But also contradictions. Loyalty in the rule of two was to be respected, but so was guile and betrayal. You had to respect your master and the master the apprentice but also be able to watch for opportunity or weakness to take his place.

To me the Jedi didn't understand the personal aspects of being a jedi. Attachment was probably not something to be avoided. But greed is. Jealousy is.

I mean and to end this is that one of the biggest failures of attachment was Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan followed the Jedi way and left Anakin to burn in Lava. He was willing to give up his attachment. But if he had maintained his attachment he would have walked down the bank and killed the monster that Anakin had become, to end his suffering. Instead he unleashed probably millions of deaths and untold suffering on the galaxy.

The Jedi are flawed. Their flaws created the Sith, then they spent generations trying to fix that mistake only to make it far worse. Order 66 was really the best thing to happen to the galaxy if it had been completed.
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