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Old 01-31-2022, 01:19 PM   #32
First Line Centre
Join Date: Dec 2017

Originally Posted by Sliver View Post
Anybody have any thoughts on the MAID (medical assistance in dying) program in Alberta being used for dementia?

I know for a fact I would rather take advantage of that shortly into dementia rather than go through the whole long process at great emotional toll (and expense, I'm assuming) on my family.

I also wouldn't want to be the point person helping a loved one through all the stages of dementia when the end is a foregone conclusion. I would hope anybody under my charge would be willing to bow out early.
When is the right time? Too early? Too late?
Sometimes the family wants to keep the person around longer regardless. Sometimes but likely less often, they get the person into care too soon.
As I said to my extended family - it’s better to deal with the situation and plan a little too soon, rather than too late when you have run out of options.
Too many family’s choose the latter. Or after something real bad has happened.
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