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Old 01-30-2022, 11:10 PM   #7
Draft Pick
Join Date: Apr 2004

SAITs ICT school just merged with their School of Advanced Digital Technology (SADT), they're doing some interesting things in the SADT and many of the programs will definitely provide some great industry ready skills. I participated as an industry contributor in the curriculum development for the software development program in the ICT school prior to the merger and we were definitely trying to help them build a program that led to skills we want out of new grads. Of note, an IT diploma at SAIT can include both network and telecommunications specializations which is a pretty broad view of "computer stuff". Some of the bootcamps and micro-credentials they're offering likely offer and even shorter path to employment.

As a computer science grad from U of C myself, I would say the difference between a computer science degree and many of the programming/dev programs is the theory that you learn in a CPSC degree. I had to learn more about software architecture, computability, algorithms, and general logic than a two year program could possibly teach. I also had to take the breadth requirements outside of the faculty that rounded out the very tech focused degree.

So, like you said, SAIT would likely lead to a job in a specific area where a Bachelor's Degree may provide a broader perspective and different opportunities. I guess neither one really closes any doors and there are tons of employers right now scrambling for tech skills. For example: I understand Neo Financial is so hard up for devs they're creating their own version of lighthouse labs with Harvest Ventures.
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