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Old 12-09-2021, 08:27 PM   #55
Harry Lime
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Join Date: Feb 2014

Episode 6 - Well. Well, well, well, well, well.

I think that we can put to bed that this is anything but a loose following of the books. Heading to the Eye of the World with only part of the group is new. Also, how is everyone going to end up in the right earthly places later if they are mixed around now? It's interesting that those who have read the books are along for the narrative ride, so to speak.

The other thing from this episode that is going to be interesting going forward is the gender fluidity of relationships. There are connections that need to be made in the future that are going to be in some pretty selective directions. Or maybe not happen at all? It's a Kristin Stewart world, and we are all just living in it.

I really don't mind the changes. There are things that I would do differently, and things that I think are going to make things more difficult from a storytelling perspective that they are leaving out, but I'm enjoying the characters.

The only thing that I might mind a little is that they are concentrating on the melodrama more than the political intrigue, which is kind of a dated way of dealing with this kind of story.
"We don't even know who our best player is yet. It could be any one of us at this point." - Peter LaFleur, player/coach, Average Joe's Gymnasium
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