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Old 01-15-2021, 10:35 AM   #67
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Aug 2017

Originally Posted by Cali Panthers Fan View Post
How do you figure?

Gabbard was a very weak candidate throughout her whole campaign, and her policies on anything other than foreign policy were nearly non-existent. Not to mention she was sort of a Republican in disguise.

Instead you have a guy who has served in the executive branch in the past, who has passed meaningful legislation before, and already has clear plans for how to recover from the current disaster, especially economically. Don't forget, he was a key planner to the economic recovery in 2008.

Kamala Harris will also be key to reforming the justice department after Trump did his best to gut it from the inside out. Law and order will hopefully be restored in a non-partisan way. Merrick Garland is a good start to that.

Seriously...Tulsi Gabbard? What a strange hill to make your stand on.

Edit: Also...Fuzz, buddy? Less bacon, dude. You'll thank me when you live past 60.
Granted, you likely followed the candidates far more than I did, given you live there and all. But ‘hill to make my stand’? It’s literally the first post I’ve ever made with her name.

I’m curious how you can call her a ‘republican in disguise’ immediately after saying her policies are non-existent?

She opposes foreign military intervention and calls out the regime-change war policies of both parties presidential history, objects to big business and PAC groups controlling the dem. Party, she repeatedly talks debating the issues and substance of arguments outside of party lines, reiterates that at congresswoman her job is to represent her constituents. Her views in support of gun control are strong, while having a sensible view on no-fly lists. She called for an end of the war on drugs and was a vocal supporter of cannabis reform and expunging criminal records for related offences. She called for America to stop supporting Saudi Arabia. Etc etc.

She also served in the national guard for 16 years and is youngest member to Hawaiian congress. She blatantly called out the Democratic Party for their own political wrongdoings while on stage with them. And I believe she showed an awful lot of poise and professionalism when she had to address or speak to the wave of condemnation and accusations that, as so far as I’ve seen, stem from nothing more than people parroting each other.

One hell of an impressive individual by my books. Add minority, woman, young and veteran and that seems like a pretty damn good candidate. Except she called out Democrats for being driven by corruption, so clearly she’s some sort of communist plug.

Oh yeah, and didn’t she throw her supper behind Bernie Sanders ultimately? Republican by any other name or what?
No, no…I’m not sloppy, or lazy. This is a sign of the boredom.

Last edited by 81MC; 01-15-2021 at 10:42 AM.
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