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Old 12-17-2020, 10:43 AM   #895
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Originally Posted by Cali Panthers Fan View Post
Just thought I'd mention that my calendar is now getting into the Nikka varieties, both blends and single malts. They're actually very tasty.

Some of the others were basically clear and like drinking rubbing alcohol. I don't know how they get lumped in with the quality ones. It's not like scotch where almost every single scotch is nice and drinkable, and the differences come down to preference. Lots of wild variation in other products around the world.

I also didn't mind the Paul John from India when I had it. Worth a try if anyone's curious about it.
Maybe it's all tasting like crap to you because it's not Lagavulin? I've tried a few India whiskey and I agree they're not bad at all.

If you don't mind me asking, which were the weird ones that tasted like crap?

Nikka is pretty good on its own, but I thought the results were horrific when water/ice was introduced to them.

When I went to Japan, I picked up a few unknown Whiskey in a Bic Camera store. All of them were around $30-40 CAD around 3-4 years ago and they were all pretty good. The Sapporo tasted like Hibiki lite. There was one that was a bourbon barrel finish with an Owl as a logo that was really nice, but seemingly ahead of its time now that I see what Balvenie is now doing.

I don't disagree with many that Japanese whiskey often not distinct. They seem to like distilling light and balanced whiskeys. The only whiskey from Japan I have truly felt tasted like crap was Helios Pure Malt. It literally tastes like Thailand red bull, ####ty Flintstones vitamins and ash tray.

Whoever reviewed this is full of crap by spinning a "it's non-offensive dessert citrus, mineral, rubber and ash". It tastes like crap you'd mix together at a house party as a punishment shot. I've tried it half a dozen times over the last few years to see if I was just not sophisticated in my taste etc... no it's awful and probably the only whiskey I've ever truly refused to drink.
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