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Old 08-28-2020, 09:17 AM   #1
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Default Remember the Freemen on the land cult . . .

Now there's a new one, and like the FOL an Alberta Court decision comes down hard on it

First there were the “detaxers,” who claimed that their physical, human selves were exempt from taxation rules. Then came the “freemen of the land” who said Canadian law only applied to them if they consented to it. Most didn’t.
Now a lengthy Alberta court decision has revealed a new version of what legal experts term “pseudo law,” and cracked down on one of its most prolific practitioners.

A woman calling herself Jacquie Phoenix and representing the mother in a bitter child-custody dispute says she has pledged allegiance to a British lord and invoked an article of the Magna Carta that means Canada’s laws and courts do not apply to her and her client. She threatened a judge with “the gallows” if he didn’t comply.

Phoenix, whose legal name is Robinson, is one of a number of followers of a scheme Justice Robert Graesser calls the “Magna Carta Lawful Rebellion” who have notified Alberta courts recently of their supposed legal immunity.
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