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Old 12-20-2019, 02:14 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by SuperMatt18 View Post
That is what I feel too. My theory is all the character arcs were mapped out for the movies, but maybe each director had the ability to kind of drive their own plots.

Which is why the character arcs seem connected across all three, but the plot is a bit hit and miss.

Rey being a Palpatine was hinted from TFA, and was a little bit in TLJ too (I swear force lighting shot out of her at one point in that movie but need to watch it again).

As for what Palpatine did I think the assumption is he spent 40 years building that ridiculous fleet.

Luke thought he needed to kill the past and let the "Jedi Die" but by the end of the movie he had realized he was wrong, and that his fear was driving that feeling. They even called it out "A Jedi's fate is to embrace their fear".

Luke then realized that he needed to confront his past failures (Kylo) to try and turn the battle. TLJ and TROS actually follow the same path here.

Luke says to Kylo "Strike me down in fear and anger and I'll live with you forever". Which ends up happening, and you could say is the "spark" to Kylo's redemption.

Then on the flip side Palpatine tries to get Rey to do the same thing. "Strike me down here and the lives of all the Sith before you will flow through you". She refuses and it's how she stays to the light.

And for Kylo it was the same thing. He thought he needed to kill the past, kill "Ben Solo" to become who he was meant to be. But that wasn't true. He needed to embrace his dad and mom (his past) to be able to redeem himself.

I honestly think people will like TLJ, it's plot (although a bit messy and slow in the middle 30-40 minutes still), and the overall arc of this whole trilogy when they watch them all together.

These two statements are a bit of a contradiction to me.

Rian Johnson ####ed up this trilogy??? TLJ was the movie that truly explored the relationship between Rey and Kylo which to your point was the emotional heart of this trilogy.

It's TLJ revealing why Kylo turned to the darkside, exploring his relationship with Rey/Luke, and revealing the conflict inside of him, that makes him a redeemable figure in this movie.

I like TFA and TROS because they were both fun movies, full of call backs and fan service. But they really didn't take any time for moments to breathe or to inject a lot of character development (I guess Poe got a bit more of a backstory in this one).

TLJ plot was slower and more plodding, but it's also the only one of the three that really took the time to slow down the pace of the movie to dive into the characters, develop them, and understand their motives.

In the end even though maybe TLJ doesn't feel as much as "Star Wars" as the other movies due to it not having as much direct fan service and nostalgia, the whole trilogy really does tie together and work in large part due to the character development from that movie.
TLJ was still just a bad film IMO, despite being tied to Palpatine.

The star chase, the hyperspeed ramming, the awful humour, the ridiculous bombers, Rose, Luke's bizarre behaviour, bumbling first order officers, etc... remain horrible and totally out of place in the context of the other movies. It was always Johnson's execution of the plot points that really bothered me. Even if the plan was always to explain Rey and Snoke in the last movie, TLJ way of getting there is 2 hours of garbage. The final film puts about 10 minutes of TLJ into better context though.
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