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Old 04-28-2019, 01:27 AM   #77
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Location: Calgary

RDJs swan song was a beauty. The whole movie was an ode to Tony Stark/RDJ and the one who started this beast.

Thor going all Jim Morrison/Lebowski

"I dont even know you" "You will ". Was my highlight. Puts Scarlet Witch into the same power scope as Captain Marvel and rightfully so.

Speaking of Captain Marvel. The Headbutt moment was great. Thanos was like "Damn it"

Cap Weilding Thors hammer was the big huzzah moment in both viewings in the theater. Crowds went ape sheet. Although IMO, not as big of a pop as when Thor ,Groot and Rocket rolled in during IW.

Gamorah responding to Quills touch was awesome.

A fantastic homage to Thor, Cap and Iron man meeting in the first Avengers when they take on Thanos before the main battle. Also put Thanos power into scope a little better than before.

Hulk, hated Professor Hulk. Just....ugh. Irked me the entire movie.

I know Falcon becomes Captain America for a while in the comics but it feel flat for me. Only because he is still extremely human compared to super Steve. Cap needs that speed and elevated boost. Maybe Black Panther gives him the purple flower juice at some point moving forward.

Sad this chapter is done. It was a fantastic, long ride excellently executed.
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