Thread: e-cigs
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Old 06-13-2018, 03:37 PM   #175
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So as a continuation of my above post, I'm looking into this for my brother who knows he should at least try to quit, just hasn't bothered unless I harass him a bit.

What is the latest and greatest in e-cigs? Is there a recommended brand? His excuse up until this point is that e-cigs are worse for you than a regular one which all evidence seems to firmly smack down.

So many options out there, I have no idea what's good and what's to avoid. He wont bother with anything flavoured so that's easy enough. I assume there is nicotine only juices available? As for the c-cig itself, I see most people have those bulky looking ones, but see ads in my popular mechanics magazine that look like a regular cigarette but the tip glows blue. Any reason to stay away from those? I'm thinking the closer he is to feeling like he's actually smoking, the better his chances are of using it exclusively.
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