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Old 12-06-2017, 04:08 PM   #698
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
Why don't we just buy a fleet of P-51 Mustangs.

This is so completely idiotic, we're pissing away money on a strategy of replacing our current jets with basically older jets.

That's some executive thinking.

So this government is completely futzing up due to pride.

We're not buying the F-35 one of the most capable fighter planes in the world that can support this airforce and keep it current for the next 30 to 35 years, because of stupidity. Even though the manufacturer has said that they'll sell us interim's for about $80 million US.

Then they go out and spec out Super hornets that they're going to pay over $100 million bucks a copy for as interim fighters, But at least they're semi modern and not worn out. But instead decide not to not for military concerns as much as for political concerns.

So where does that leave us.

Lets see.

The Liberal's in true Liberal fashion are probably going to over pay on obsolete equipment that's well used, and then kick the decision to do the actual fighter jet replacement down the road by a decade or two until they can pork barrel something with Bombardier.


If we pay anymore then lets say $10 million a plane, its a massive overpayment.

Hey I have a solution, lets buy some Mig 23's on Kijiji they're only about a million bucks a copy.

So here's the irony, the Australians are going to sell us their well worn F-18's and they're probably snickering about that as they promise to throw in those mirror hanging air fresheners, and they're going to take that money and put it towards their purchase of F-35's.

that sound you hear, is the Aussie's laughing at our stupidity Oy OY OY
Just complete and utter stupidity. On military issues his government couldn’t tell its ass from a hole in the ground. What a joke.
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