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Old 11-30-2017, 11:28 AM   #685
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Originally Posted by GoinAllTheWay View Post
What? Can you elaborate on that? Why would Calgary have been a target during the cold war?
Because it was a major energy center, and it was also a major logistical center for the Canadian Forces and was home to a rapid response NATO unit, and had a major airport.

Edmonton would have been flattened as a major population center and government center and major communications and logistical/road hub it also had a major airport

It would depend on the Soviet War plan at the time. If it was counterforce, or the removal of American, nuclear weapons and military bases, Calgary for example gets off clean.

But if it was a general city busting war, Calgary would probably be considered a secondary target to major American military and Norad targets, but that doesn't mean they get off scott free in Calgary and Edmonton.

Calgary would have probably been hit by all three legs of the Nuclear Triad (Land Sea and Air) even though later on in the Cold war the use of strategic Bombers had fell into disfavor, Calgary probably still would have been hit by a Mirv'd ICBM and probably also hit with a depressed shot from a Sub launched Medium Range missile with multiple war heads.

Also Calgary again would have been a secondary target of some importance, so it would have been subject to the common concept of over kill, which is to kit it with multiple weapons to ensure at least one weapon arrives.

A scondary target would see a attack of between 5 and 8 war heads, considering that at its height the Soviets had about 40,000 nukes in 1985 this doesn't even represent a tiny fraction of the total output. The thought for example is that Ontario would be hit by between 40 and 50 war heads.

While Calgary probably wouldn't have been hit by the rarer heavy warheads in the megaton range, getting hit by 5 to 8 20 kt to 50 kt weapons would be devastating enough.

If you hit downtown Calgary with a 50 kt weapon the fireball would pretty much devour everything out to the Calgary zoo on one side, Crowchild trail to the East and 16th ave to the North and about 33rd avenue to the South.

Earlier this year there were cold war documents released that had an expected target list and Canada's defense plans against Nuclear attacks.
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